September 2032 Kit Lineup

Here we are, in September already, and that means it's time to show you our September releases.  We will start with our "Rad" Limitless Kit.  This kit is perfect for scrapbooking boys, tweens, teens, and young adults.  The vintage vibe and colors are sure to inspire you.

And our Our "Rad" Essentials

Next up is our "Harvest Plaid" Page Kit, this kit has a unique color scheme and is perfect for documenting colorful fall photos.  This kit comes with full color instructions and video instructions for putting together a double page layout.

Our "Jack O Lantern" Mini Kit is a discounted mini kit that I use to create 2 single page layouts.  You can find my process video along with cutting instructions on YouTube, for you to create these layouts yourself, at a highly discounted price of $6.00.  These Mini Kits have a limited quantity and are "first come first serve".  One per customer, please.  

And finally, our "Magical Memories" Mega Workshop/Kit.  For all of the details of this workshop, see our website.  This workshop can be purchased as a stand alone class, or with the physical kit full of products.  You will create 6 single page layout and 5 double page layouts in this workshop.


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