{Cars & Play-doh} Using the September “Vivid” Premium Kit

I am thrilled to share my second layout using the “Vivid” September Premium Kit! I pulled out some older photos of my oldest son, Evan, to work with this kit. Evan has just turned two in these photos and I still can’t believe how little he was! 

The embellishments in this kit are perfect for layering. I tucked in bits and pieces next to the photo strip, then added sequins, pearls, and Nuvo drops on top. 

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The “create” leaf is my favorite piece from the ephemera pack. Evan loved play-doh and cars when he was little and often combined the two, creating fun play-doh cities. The “create” leaf was the perfect piece for my page.

Thank you so much for stopping by! Remember, if you create a layout or project using the September kits, tag {Not} Just For Boys Kit Club so we can see you work!



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